我室岳鹿、张文惠博士和关荣锋教授论文在《Journal of electronic materials》上发表
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我室岳鹿、张文惠博士和关荣锋教授论文在《Journal of electronic materials》上发表

作者:clsys 文章来源:江苏省新型环保重点实验室 点击数:716 发布时间:2018-5-22 10:52:41

A facile large-scale synthesis of porous SnO2bybronzeforsuperior lithium storage and gas sensing properties through a wet chemical reaction strategy

Lu Yue, Jingjing Ge, GAIXIA LUO, Kaiting Bian, Chao Yin, RongFENG guana,, WenHui Zhang, ZHENG ZHOUc, KAIXIN WANGc, XIUFENG GUOc

通过发展化学溶蚀反应利用铜锡合金作为起始原料大规模制备具有高比表面的介孔SnO2及其相关材料。用其作为锂离子电池负极材料表现出优异的储锂性能和速率性能。该材料还能扩展应用作为高性能的气敏材料。该论文被Journal of electronic materials(Vol. 47, No. 5, 2018)接收,并被编辑选为“Free Access”(Free Access articles will be identified as freely available on SpringerLink, and can be viewed at no charge to readers. This honor is reflective of the comprehensive nature of your article and its overall excellence. Only a few Editors’ Choice articles are selected each year for Free Access.)



上一条:我室陶泽天博士以第一共同作者在《Journal of the American Chemical Society》发表论文 下一条:我室张文惠和岳鹿博士论文在《Electrochimica Acta》上发表