樊乐乐,工学博士,副教授,2014年7月毕业于中国科学技术大学,期间获得博士研究生国家奖学金。2014年7月进入博士后研究,博士后期间,主持国家博士后科学基金一项(一等资助)。2016年9月受聘于盐城工学院-新型环保重点实验室。主要从事于高性能储能材料开发、功能氧化物薄膜材料制备及第一性原理计算研究。以第一作者/通讯作者在Nano Lett., ACS Appl. Mater. Interfacial, J. Energy Storage, ACS Applied Nano Materials, Appl. Phys. Lett.等国际期刊发表学术论文24篇。一篇论文在Appl. Phys. Lett.期刊作为封面发表,同时被编辑入选精选论文,授权发明专利3项。指导本科生完成江苏省大学生创新创业训练课题一项(省级重点),结题优秀等级。
[1] Xinyuan Zhu, Ziyu Feng, Lele Fan*, Qifeng Wang, Yue Wei, Lei Zhu*, Na Li, Qinfang Zhang*, “Tailoring the morphologies of molybdenum selenides with improving their electrochemical performances for supercapacitors”, Journal of Energy Storage, Accepted, 2024.
[2] Yiyu Zhu, Zhen Wang, Xinyuan Zhu, Ziyu Feng, Chaoyang Tang, Qian Wang, Ying Yang, Lei Wang, Lele Fan*, Jiwei Hou*, “Optimizing Performance in Supercapacitors through Surface Decoration of Bismuth Nanosheets” ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 16, 16927, 2024.
[3] Lele Fan, Xinyuan Zhu, Yue Wei, Ziyu Feng, Qinfang Zhang*, Na Li, Yuebin, Cao*, Lei Zhu*, “Fabrication of self-supporting substrates: conversion into cathodes for high-performance hybrid supercapacitors” Journal of Energy Storage, 84, 110668, 2024.
[4] Qian Wang, Mingming Zhang, Lele Fan*, Zetian Tao*, “Balance the conductivity and enhance chemical stability of BaCe0.3Fe0.7O3–δ by Tuning A-Site Cation Deficiency” Ceramics International,50, 14631 (2024).
[5] Lele Fan, Chen Chen, Yiyu Zhu, Qinfang Zhang, Xinyuan Zhu, Lei Zhu,“Surface treatment of VO2 films with enhancing the modulation of phase transition and thermochromic performance” Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspect, 683, 132959 (2024).
[6] Yongji Gao, Mingminig Zhang, Lele Fan*, Zetian Tao*, “Enhancing chemical stability and performance in proton-conducting solid oxide fuel cells through novel composite cathode design” Journal of Power sources, 583, 233576 (2023).
[7] Lele Fan, Ziyu Feng, Xinyuan Zhu, Yue Wei, Qingfang Zhang, Yuebin Cao, Lei Zhu, “Synthesis of nanosphere-like vanadium selenide cathode for high performance asymmetric hybrid supercapacitors” Electrochimica Acta, 465, 142970 (2023).
[8] Xingyu Cai, Ying Xu, Fan Mo, Fanjun Kong, Lele Fan*, Yanjun Tan, Guikai Zhang, Shengqi Chu, Wangsheng Chu, Shi Tao*, Li Song, “Toward Highly Selective Heteroatom Dopants in Hard Carbon with Superior Lithium Storage Performance” ACS Applied Materials Interfaces, 15, 29024 (2023).
[9] Lele Fan, Chen Chen, Cheng Wang, Lei Zhu, Qinfang Zhang, “Revealing the nature of the graphene on-off control of the electrolyte gating effect in WO3 film phase transition” Thin Solid Films, 768, 139728 (2023).
[10] Lele Fan, Yiyu Zhu, Chen Chen, Lei Zhu, Baolin Wang, Qinfang Zhang, “A Facile Strategy to Realize Rapid and Heavily Hydrogen-Doped VO2 and Study of Hydrogen Ion Diffusion Behavior” J. Phys. Chem. C, 126, 5004-5013 (2022).
[11] Lele Fan, Yiyu Zhu, Sihan Zhao, Zhiqiang Wang, Zhonghu Liu, Lei Zhu, Baolin Wang, Qinfang Zhang, “Modulation of VO2 metal-insulator transition by co-doping of hydrogen and oxygen vacancy” Sol. Energy Mater. Sol. Cells, 212, 110562 (2020).
[12] Lele Fan, Zhonghu Liu, Yiyu Zhu, Zhiqiang Wang, Sihan Zhao, Lei Zhu, Qinfang Zhang, “Synthesis of Li-doping tetragonal-Bi2O3 nanomaterial with high efficient visible light photocatalysis” J. Mater. Sci-Mater. El. 31, 2100 (2020)
[13] Lele Fan, Yiyu Zhu, Zhiqiang Wang, Sihan Zhao, Zhonghu Liu, Lei Zhu, Xiaosan Wang, Qinfang Zhang “Dynamic Study of Phase Transition in Bi2O3 Epitaxial Film Induced by Electrolyte Gating” Appl. Phys. Lett. 115, 261601 (2019), (封面,精选论文).
[14] Bingwen Zhang#, Lele Fan#, Jingsan Hu, Jianfei Gu, Baolin Wang, Qinfang Zhang “MnB2 nanosheet and nanotube: stability, electronic structures, novel functionalization and application for Li-ion batteries” Nanoscale 11, 7857 (2019) (IF: 7.17).
[15] Zhonghu Liu, Xing Chen, Yiyu Zhu, Sihan Zhao, Zhiqiang Wang, Feng Wang, Qiangqiang Meng, Lei Zhu, Qinfang Zhang, Baolin Wang, Lele Fan*, “Well Dispersed SnO2 Nanoclusters Preparation and Modulation of Metal-Insulator Transition Induced by Ionic Liquid” Chin. J. Chem. Phys. 32. 248 (2019).
[16] LeLe. Fan, Feng Wang, Xing Chen, Zhonghu Liu, Chengjia Ma, Lei Zhu, Qiangqiang Meng, Baolin Wang, Qinfang Zhang and Chongwen Zou, “Well-Dispersed Monoclinic VO2 Nanoclusters with Uniform Size for Sensitive near-Infrared Detection” ACS Appl. Nano Mater. 1, 5044-5052 (2018).
[17] LeLe Fan, Xiangqi Wang, Feng, Wang, Qinfang Zhang, Lei Zhu, Qiangqiang Meng, Baolin Wang, Zengming Zhang and Chongwen Zou“Revealing the role of oxygen vacancies on the phase transition of VO2 film from the optical-constant measurement”RSC Adv. 1038, 19151-19156 (2018).
[18] L.L. Fan, Y.L. Chen, Q.H. Liu, S. Chen, L. Zhu, Q.Q. Meng, B.Z. Wang, Q.F. Zhang, H. Ren and C.W Zou “Infrared response and optoelectronic memory device fabrication based on epitaxial VO2 film” ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 8, 32971 (2016).
[19] L. L. Fan, S. Chen, G. M. Liao, Y. L. Chen, H. Ren and C. W. Zou,“Comprehensive studies of interfacial strain and oxygen vacancy on metal–insulator transition of VO2 film” J. Phys.: Condens. Mat. 25, 255002 (2016).
[20] L.L. Fan, S. Chen,Q.H. Liu, G.M. Liao, Y.L. Chen, H. Ren,C.W. Zou,“The epitaxial growth and interfacial strain study of VO2/MgF2 (001) films by synchrotron based grazing incidence X-ray diffraction” J. Alloy. Compd. 678, 312-316 (2016).
[21] L.L. Fan, S. Chen, Z.L. Luo, Q.H. Liu, Y.F. Wu, L. Song, D.X. Ji, P. Wang, W.S. Chu, C. Gao, C.W. Zou and Z.Y. Wu, “Strain dynamics of ultrathin VO2 film grown on TiO2 (001) and the associated phase transition modulation” Nano Lett. 14, 4036 (2014).
[22] L.L. Fan, S. Chen, Y.F. Wu, F.H. Chen, W.S. Chu, X. Chen, C.W. Zou and Z.Y. Wu, “Growth and phase transition characteristics of pure M-phase VO2 epitaxial film prepared by oxide molecular beam epitaxy” Appl. Phys. Lett. 103, 131914 (2013).
[23] L.L. Fan, Y.F. Wu, C. Si, G.Q. Pan, C.W. Zou and Z.Y. Wu, “Synchrotron radiation study of VO2 crystal film epitaxial growth on sapphire substrate with intrinsic multi-domains” Appl. Phys. Lett. 102. 011604 (2013).
[24] L.L. Fan, C.W. Zou, Z.M. Qi, L.B. Li, and Z.Y. Wu, “Oxygen pressure dependent VO2 crystal film preparation and the interfacial epitaxial growth study” Thin Solid Films, 520, 6124 (2012).
1、国家自然科学基金青年项目“VO2纳米团簇的可控制备及氢气传感应用研究”11704325 主持,结题, 2018年1月-2020年12月.
2、 江苏省自然科学基金青年项目 “二氧化钒/二硫化钼界面电子态同步辐射研究”BK20170473 主持,结题, 2017年7月-2020年6月.
3、中国博士后科学基金面上项目一等资助 “界面应力调控二氧化钒相变机制研究”2015M570537主持、结题.
4、江苏省生态建材与环保装备协同创新中心暨江苏省新型环保重点实验室联合开放课题,JH201843, 主持、结题 2019年1月-2019年12月.
5、 国家自然科学基金面上项目 “二氧化钒/石墨烯界面电子态的相变调控”11574279 参与、结题 2016年1月-2019年12月.
6、大科学装置联合基金 “新型硼-碳-氮二维原子层的同步辐射表征 U1232121” 参与、结题 2013年1月-2015年12月.
7、科学装置联合基金 “同步辐射X射线激发发光谱技术及其在稀土闪烁材料研究中的应用” 参与、结题 U1432249 2015年1月-2017年12月
8、自然科学基金面上项目 “贵金属离子在水与受限水中的结构”11079031 参与、结题 2011年1月-2014年12月.
1. 樊乐乐,张勤芳,朱雷,“对红外光子记忆存储的存储器及方法” 专利号:ZL201610912744.X
2. 樊乐乐,王峰,陈星,张勤芳,朱雷,孟强强,“一种光催化材料Li6WO6纳米粉体、制备方法及应用”专利号:ZL201710512431.X
3. 樊乐乐,朱一羽,刘忠虎,王志强,赵思涵,张勤芳 “一种二氧化钒金属绝缘相变调控方法及应用” 专利号:ZL201910248930。