个人简介:卢豹,博士,2020年6月毕业于湖南大学土木工程专业,师从史才军教授。主要从事固废资源化、碳化胶凝材料和低碳水泥等方向研究,主持国家自然科学青年基金1项、江苏省自然科学基金面上项目一项、绿色建材国家重点实验室开放课题1项。参与完成国家科技支撑计划、国家自然科学基金等项目多项。近年来,在Cement. Concrete. Res, Cement. Concrete. Comp, J. CO2 Util. Constr. Build. Mater, J. Clean. Prod等期刊发表论文十余篇。获得中国发明协会创业创新奖一等奖1项、中国商业联合会技术进步奖三等奖1项,盐城市自然科学优秀学术成果二等奖1项。
1. Bao Lu, Sarra Drissi, Jianhui Liu, Xiang Hu, Baixing Song, Caijun Shi, Effect of temperature on CO2 curing, compressive strength and microstructure of cement paste, Cem. Concr. Res. 157 (2022) 106827.
2. Fengshun Wu, Xujia You, Mingming Wang, Tiejun Liu, Bao Lu*, Guihua Hou, Ruiyu Jiang, Caijun Shi, Increasing flexural strength of CO2 cured cement paste by CaCO3 polymorph control, Cement and Concrete Composites. 141 (2023) 105128
3. Lei Jiang, Qian Wu, Zhen Huo, Zhenyu Zhu, Fengshun Wu, Bao Lu*, An approach to improve compressive strength of cement paste at low temperature by carbonation curing, Constr. Build. Mater. 365 (2023)
4. Jianhui Liu, Huang Ruan, Bao Lu, Zheng Chen, Caijun Shi, A new enhanced carbonation curing method using monoethanolamine (MEA) solution: Their effects on hydration and microstructure of cement-based materials, Constr. Build. Mater. 396 (2023) 132172,
5. Bao Lu, Zhen Huo, Qingyuan Xu, Guihua Hou, Xiaoxiao Wang, Jianhui Liu, Xiang Hu, Characteristics of CSH under carbonation and its effects on the hydration and microstructure of cement paste, Constr. Build. Mater. 364 (2023) 129952
6. Bao Lu, Pingping He, Jianhui Liu, et al. Microstructure of Portland cement paste subjected to different CO2 concentrations and further water curing, Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2021, 53, 101714.
7. Bao Lu, Caijun Shi, Jiyun Wang, et al. Effect of carbonated coarse recycled concrete aggregate on the properties and microstructure of recycled concrete. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 233: 421-428.
8. Bao Lu, Caijun Shi, Guihua Hou. Strength and microstructure of CO2-cured low-calcium clinker. Construction and Building Materials, 2018.188: 417-423.
9. Bao Lu, Caijun Shi, Jiake Zhang, et al. Effects of carbonated hardened cement concrete aggregate on the properties and microstructure of recycled concrete. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 233: 421-428.
10. Yue Wang, Bao Lu, Xiang Hu, et al., Effect of CO2 surface treatment on penetrability and microstructure of cement-fly ash–slag ternary concrete, Cement and Concrete Composites, 2021, 123, 104194.
11. Guihua Hou, Ziwei Yan, Jinfeng Sun, Hamdy M. Naguib, Bao Lu, Zuhua Zhang, Microstructure and mechanical properties of CO2-cured steel slag brick in pilot-scale, Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 271, 121581.
12. Ziyi Peng, Caijun Shi, Zhenguo Shi, Bao Lu, et al. Alkali-aggregate reaction in recycled aggregate concrete-a review. Journal of Clearly Production, 2020, 255:120238.
13. Guihua Hou, Jianan Chen, Bao Lu, et al. Composition Design and Pilot Study of an Advanced Energy-Saving and Low-Carbon Rankinite Clinker. Cement and Concrete Research, 2020, 127:105926.
14. Hongwei Zhang, Jianan Chen, Rong Shao, Qinfang Zhang, Bao Lu, et al. The usage of rankinite for carbon capture and storage and carbonation kinetics. Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 2018, 40(13): 1629-1646.
1. Guihua Hou, Bao Lu, Xiaojiao Gao, et al. Low-calcium silicate cement, and preparation method and hardening method thereof, US10,058,874B2
2. 侯贵华,卢豹,郜效娇等. 一种低钙硅酸盐水泥及其制备与硬化方法,ZL 201510452735.2
3. 侯贵华, 郜效娇, 卢豹等. 一种矿渣直接碳化制备建筑用砖的方法,ZL 201510377931.8
4. 侯贵华, 刘媛, 卢豹等. 一种黑色二氧化锆的制备方法及其在光催化中的应用, ZL201510377231.9
5. 侯贵华, 蒋伟丽, 卢豹等. 一种黑色氧化锌及其制备方法,ZL201510377150.9
1. 国家自然科学基金委,国家自然基金青年基金项目,52308285,硅酸钙碳化选择性形成文石晶须的调控机制研究,2024.01-2026.12主持
2. 江苏省教育厅,江苏省教育厅自然科学面上项目,22KJB560030,硅酸钙与CO2反应形成文石晶须的调控机制研究,2022.07-2024.06主持
3. 中国建筑材料科学研究总院绿色建筑材料国家重点实验室开放课题,2022GBM01,水泥碳化形成文石晶须调控机制研究,2022.08-2024.07主持
1. 温度对水泥基材料加速碳化反应程度、抗压强度和微观结构的影响,盐城市自然科学优秀学术成果二等奖,2021-2022 (1/1)
2. CO2固存制备混凝土材料和制品的关键技术,中国发明协会创业创新一等奖,2021 (5/6)
3. 生活垃圾焚烧炉渣制备轻质保温墙材关键技术及应用, 中国商业联合会科技进步三等奖, 2021 (3/11)